Playgroup - 5 Little Ducks

Playgroup - 5 Little Ducks


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Are you wondering how to bring the MESSAGE of Easter into your playgroup environment?

Using the song and story of 5 Little Ducks, there's a package providing you with THREE sessions. Each session plan includes prompts for Mat Time and the Craft Activity. You'll also find in this package three songs you can use for the sessions and generally for your playgroup. The pack contains two copies of the book for reading to the children.

5 Little DucksIn each of the three weeks, read the story. You can purchase more - click on the book name here and you'll be taken to the product. Use code at checkout DUCKLING and the books will be discounted.

Pack includes a downloadable file (which is available after purchase) and a parcel of books that will come to your door. 

  • Session Plan suggestions for three sessions focusing on the message of Easter (in downloadable file)
  • Craft Activity suggestions for each session (in downloadable file)
  • Three song files (5 little ducks, Where is Thumbkin?, Skinnimarinki) (in downloadable file - make sure you download to your computer first and then transfer to your phone)
  • Two copies of the book, 5 Little Ducks (coming in a package to you)
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